The Derringers are an important part of this group but they're not everything. I'm happy that they're getting the recognition they deserve but not because they're an award but because it makes people sit up and take notice of short stories. What bothers me about the submission process is that there a great many editors who don't bother to submit stories because the Derringers lean toward the more cozy friendly stories. This isn't a bad thing but we've got a
whole group of writers and editors and zines that feel they're not good enough to be included in the process. I'd like to see that change. I'd like to see every short story writer feel welcome at the SMFS, no matter if they write cozy or dark. Only the strength of the story should count.
I'd also like to see if we could get editors to post more often on the list - get them to give us insights into their selection process or maybe just do a Q & A interview that we could post. Right now, Duotrope is posting this sort of interview on their site and I've run across several other blogs that do the same thing. No reason we couldn't do that here with mystery related magazines and zines. It might also be nice if we could have one day a week where everyone
could post their BSP's with links to their stories so we can find new markets to explore and stories to read. As for stories, I'd like the members to feel free to post links to shorts they find online that they think are great, not their own, but someone else's.
Shorts are starting to come into their own via the online markets, there are more and more people talking about them and I know of several sites that actually review individual stories and collections. As a short fiction society we should be a part of this.
Well, I know I'm not supposed to be posting this before I'm asked, but the membership deserves to know where I stand so they can nominate someone to run against me if they don't agree with what I believe the SMFS should be about. And I'd really prefer that this be an election not just a put her in office because nobody else wants the job situation.
From the group keeping mystery & crime stories in the public eye since 1996
Friday, May 28, 2010
Early Statement from SMFS Presidential Candidate Sandra Seamans
Monday, May 24, 2010
Candidacy Statement from Jim Doherty
I've been asked by several members off-line if I'm willing to run for either president or vice-president. ...[L]ike Gerald, I think it would be better for the organization if new blood were injected. If there are others willing to run for either position, I'd prefer to step back and let others take up the flag.
Also, as at least one other person has pointed out, as long as I'm an officer, I'm ineligible to compete for a Derringer myself.
If others are willing to take up the officer's positions, I am certainly more than willing (and I'm sure I speak for Gerald here, too) to make myself available to help and provide assistance to the incoming administration. Certainly I'm willing, if the new officers wish, to finish up any uncompleted tasks that are still hanging fire if and when the new officers assume their
For example, I'm in contact with folks at Bouchercon about making the Derringer presentations a part of the convention as it was in 2009. I'd be happy to follow through with that if it's still unresolved by the time my term of office ends.
I'm also more than willing to get the actual physical trophies made, as I did last year.
But as for actually serving, put me down as willing but not particularly enthusiastic.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Candidacy Statement from Gerald So
I remember that several of you initially wondered how I would moderate discussion here. I hope the vast majority of members has found the atmosphere open and informative, including feeling informed and heard during every policy decision the past two years.
I prefer to give others a chance to represent the SMFS for the next two, so I invite any member up to the task to step forward.
My preference does not speak for Vice President Jim Doherty, who may choose to run on his own.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
POLL RESULTS: Should author's name and publication title appear on Derringer submissions sent to judges?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Upcoming SMFS Elections
It was an honor to represent the SMFS personally sending the 2010 Derringer certificates to the winners. My public congratulations and thanks to all who were part of the process.
Presentations made, my two-year term as SMFS president is drawing to a close. As part of the transition to the new officers, I have outlined the duties of president, vice president, and Derringer Coordinator below, and call for nominations from the group.
May 15-30, nominations will be accepted for SMFS President and Vice President 2010-12 and for Derringer Coordinator 2011.
May 31-June 4, each nominee will be allowed to post a single message announcing him/herself to the group and supporting his/her candidacy.
June 5-15, SMFS members will vote to select the new officers.
June 16-30, Jim Doherty, Suzanne Rorhus, and I will coordinate with the Officers-Elect to ensure a smooth transition.
July 1, the new SMFS officers take office.
SMFS Officers' Duties
PRESIDENT (2-year term) - SMFS President moderates the group's discussion forum and membership roll at They must ensure the free flow of ideas while maintaining a cordial atmosphere and quelling any flame wars that threaten to erupt.
The president must confer with the vice president regularly, so that, should the president be unavailable, the vice president can continue day-to-day operations.
As the SMFS's main representative with the public, the president must also maintain the SMFS blog at, where the public goes for information about the SMFS.
The president organizes the selection committee deciding who should receive the Edward D. Hoch Memorial Golden Derringer for Lifetime Achievement.
As for the regular Derringer process, the president and the Derringer Awards Coordinator may confer about the spirit of the rules, but the president may neither collect Derringer submissions, nor judge the regular Derringer Awards, nor win a Derringer Award while in office.
VICE PRESIDENT (2-year term) - SMFS Vice President is co-moderator of the discussion forum and consultant on any group business. The vice president assumes all of the president's duties, including representing the SMFS in person, when the president is unavailable (sickness, vacation, etc.).
The vice president serves with the president on the Edward D. Hoch Golden Derringer selection committee, and is subject to the same restrictions as the president regarding the regular Derringer process.
DERRINGER AWARDS COORDINATOR (1-year term) - The Coordinator runs the annual Derringer Award process, including collecting Derringer submissions, coordinating the judging, and announcing the winners.
The coordinator has the authority to resolve issues that arise throughout the submission, judging, and voting periods, conferring with the president to clarify the spirit of Derringer procedure.
The coordinator moderates the Derringers Voting Group (, posting the Derringer finalist stories for the voters to read, and verifying members' voting eligibility as they join the group.
The coordinator serves with the president and vice president on the Edward D. Hoch Memorial Golden Derringer selection committee, and like them, may neither judge the regular Derringers nor win a Derringer Award while in office.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Archival Post: 2008 SMFS Derringer Awards
(For Stories Published in 2007. Winners bolded.)
Some titles are linked to stories in online magazine archives. The SMFS encourages you to read these free stories.
"My Hero" by Patricia Abbott (2007, D.Z. Allen’s Muzzle Flash)
"Saved" by Keri Clark (Fall 2007,Mysterical-E)
"Dreaming of a Spite Christmas" by B.V. Lawson (Winter 2007, Mouth Full of Bullets, )
"A Woman Scorned" by Jillian Berg (Autumn 2007, Mouth Full of Bullets)
"Your New Fan" by Keri Clark (Winter 2007, Mouth Full of Bullets)
"In the Shadows of Wrigley Field" by John Weagly (November 2007, The Back Alley)
"Brimstone P.I." by Beverle Graves Myers (May 2007, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
"We All Come from Splattertown" by Hugh Lessig (July 2007, ThugLit #17)
"Joyride" by Rick Noetzel (December 2007, Shred of Evidence)
"Handful of Stars" by Jack Hardway (Autumn 2007, Mouth Full of Bullets)
"The Promise" by Camille LaGuire (March-April 2007, Futures Mystery Anthology Magazine)
"The Gospel According to Gordon Black" by Richard Helms (Fall 2007, The Thrilling Detective Web Site)
"A Trader’s Lot" by Twist Phelan (from Wall Street Noir)
"Devil’s Lake" by John Schroeder (January/February 2007, Futures Mystery Anthology Magazine)
"A Private Hanging" by Herschel Cozine (Summer 2007, Mysterical-E)
"Mr. McGregor’s Garden" by Kate Flora (Still Waters)
"Growing Up Is for Losers" by Rosemary Harris (Still Waters)
"Paper Walls/Glass Houses," by Richard
Helms (writing as Eric Shane). (June 2007, The Back Alley.
"The Bookworm’s Demise" by Beverle Graves Myers (December 2007, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
"The Enlightenment of Magnus McKay" by John Burdett (Wall Street Noir)
"Wasting Assets" by Mike Wiecek (September 2007, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
"Forget Me Not" by Clifford Royal Johns (Fall 2007, Mysterical-E)
Archival Post: 2007 SMFS Derringer Awards
(For Stories Published in 2006. Winners bolded.)
Some titles are linked to stories in online magazine archives. The SMFS encourages you to read these free stories.
"Vigilante" by Barry Ergang (Summer 2006, Mysterical-E)
"Matched Set" by Jan Christensen (Winter 2006, Long Story Short)
"Snowflake Therapy" by Michelle Mach (June 2006, Thereby Hangs a Tale)
"Flight School" by Jill Maser (August 28, 2006, Flashshots)
"Home Entertainment" by Sandra Seamans (July/August 2006, A Cruel World)
"Elena Speaks of the City, Under Siege" by Steven Torres (September/October 2006, Crimespree Magazine)
"Four For Dinner" by John M. Floyd (Seven by Seven)
"Even Steven" by Gail Farrelly (Winter 2006,Mouth Full of Bullets)
"Interview" by Justin Gustainis (October 2006, Cape Fear Crime Festival)
"The Worst Door" by Frank Zafiro (January 2006, Dispatch)
"Cranked" by Bill Crider (Damn Near Dead: An Anthology of Geezer Noir)
"Eden's Bodyguard" by David Bareford (September 2006, Thuglit)
"Shadow People" by Rex Burns (June 2006,Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
"Uncle Blinky's Corner of the World" by Robert S. Levinson (March/April 2006, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine)
"Shanks on the Prowl" by Robert Lopresti (May 2006, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
"Strictly Business" by Julie Hyzy (These Guns for Hire)
"A Signature in Blood" by Annette Dashofy (Winter 2006, Mysterical-E)
"Daphne MacAndrews and the Smack-Head Junkies" by Stuart MacBride (Damn Near Dead: An Anthology of Geezer Noir)
"See Also Murder" by Larry Sweazy (December 11, 2006, Amazon Shorts)
"The Valley of Angustias" by Steven Torres (October 2006, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine)
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Lawrence Block accepts the Edward D. Hoch Memorial Golden Derringer for Lifetime Achievement
On behalf of the SMFS, I contacted Lawrence Block to inform him he had received the Hoch Memorial Golden Derringer, recognizing his lasting contribution to short mystery fiction.
He replied:
Gerald, what a treat! Thanks so much. Ed Hoch was a good friend and beloved colleague, and that makes the award doubly sweet.
I don't know if I'll be able to attend B'con this year; if I do, it'll be a pleasure to receive the plaque, but it's the honor itself that means the most, and I accept that now with abiding gratitude.
Lawrence Block
2010 Derringer Award Results
Best Flash (Up to 1,000 words)
- "And Here's To You, Mrs. Edwardson" by Hamilton Waymire (Big Pulp, November 23, 2009)
- "Unplanned" by Libby Cudmore (Thrillers, Killers 'n' Chillers, August 2009)
- "Awake" by David Dean (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, July 2009)
- "The Right Track" by R.T. Lawton (Woman's World, October 26, 2009)
- "Gutterball" by Stephen D. Rogers (Woman's World, September 7, 2009)
Best Short Story (1,001–4,000 words)
- "Twas the Night" by Anita Page (The Gift of Murder, October 2009)
- "The Right to Remain Silent" by Debbi Mack (The Back Alley, August 2009)
- "The Hard Sell" by Jay Stringer (Beat to a Pulp, May 3, 2009)
- "The Biography of Stoop the Thief" by Steven Torres (Uncage Me!, July 2009)
- "Identity Theft" by Robert Weibezahl (Beat to a Pulp, March 14, 2009)
Best Long Story (4,001–8,000 words)
- "Famous Last Words" by Doug Allyn (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, November 2009)
- "Snow on Bloedkoppie" by Berhard Jaumann, translated from the German by Mary Tannert (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, August 2009)
- "Regarding Certain Occurrences in a Cottage at the Garden of Allah" by Robert S. Levinson (Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, November 2009)
- "A Stab in the Heart" by Twist Phelan (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, February 2009)
- "The Shipbreaker" by Mike Wiecek (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, March/April 2009)
Best Novelette (8,001–17,500 words)
- "Julius Katz" by Dave Zeltserman (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, September/October 2009)
- "The Pirate's Debt" by Toni L.P. Kelner (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, August 2009)
- "The Last Drop" by R.W. Kerrigan (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, February 2009)
- "Adjuncts Anonymous" by B.K. Stevens (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, June 2009)
- "Uncle Brick and Jimmy Kills" by Allan Leverone (Mysterical-E, Summer 2009)
And determined by a committee of the SMFS Officers, Awards Coordinator, and two members-at-large, the 2010 recipient of the Edward D. Hoch Memorial Golden Derringer for Lifetime Achievement:
- Lawrence Block (Block's acceptance remarks)
Recipients may obtain award certificates by emailing Gerald So (G_SO at YAHOO dot COM). Recipients were publicly recognized at the opening ceremonies of Bouchercon, Thursday, October 14, 2010 in San Francisco, CA.
2010 SMFS Derringer Award Winners
Some titles are linked to stories available in online magazine archives. The SMFS encourages you to read or listen to these free stories.
BEST FLASH STORY (Up to 1,000 Words)
"And Here's To You, Mrs. Edwardson" by Hamilton Waymire
Published in the webzine Big Pulp, November 23, 2009
"Awake" by David Dean
Published in EQMM, July 2009
"Gutterball" by Stephen D. Rogers
Published in Woman's World Magazine, September 7, 2009
"The Right Track" by R.T. Lawton
Published in Woman's World Magazine, October 26, 2009
"Unplanned" by Libby Cudmore
Published in Thrillers, Killers 'n' Chillers, August 2009
BEST SHORT STORY (1,001 - 4,000 Words)
"Identity Theft" by Robert Weibezahl
Published in Beat to a Pulp, March 14, 2009
"The Biography of Stoop the Thief" by Steven Torres
Published in Uncage Me!, July 2009
"The Hard Sell" by Jay Stringer
Published in Beat to a Pulp, May 3, 2009
"The Right to Remain Silent" by Debbi Mack
Published in The Back Alley, August 2009
(Debbi also read this story on Seth Harwood's CrimeWAV podcast. Download her episode here, or listen with the player below.)