Tuesday, June 2, 2020

SMFS Member Publishing News: Josh Pachter

SMFS list member Josh Pachter’s new story, “Cell Division” appears in the new anthology, STRANGE DAYS: Midnight Street Anthology 4. Published by Midnight Street Press, the read is available in both print and eBook formats at Amazon.


New extraordinary fiction for extraordinary times. Here are 34 stories and one poem that anticipate possible futures that - with coronavirus currently creating havoc around the world - may not be too far from the truth unless we take our survival as a species far more seriously.The idea for this anthology came to me before the current crisis began and all of the stories published here were written before what would have been considered as science fiction became horrifying science fact.The range of scenarios depicted here are various, from the fantastic to the frighteningly real, but one thing they all have in common is their quality.These are, to my mind, the best of the best, chosen from about 300 submissions. The 35 authors published in this anthology, spanning a massive 500 pages, represent exceptional talent and ability in the art of the written word. Immerse yourself, if you dare, in frightening worlds that span the extremes of literary horror.Read these extraordinary stories, from some of the most imaginative minds around.There are no reprints here, just outstanding and very relevant fiction.I hope you agree.Trevor Denyer - Editor

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