Sunday, August 18, 2019

SMFS Members Published in Snot-Nosed Aliens

Several SMFS members are published in the recently released anthology, Snot-Nosed Aliens. Published by WMG Publishing, the read is available in print and digital formats from Amazon, the publisher, and other vendors. The members in the issue are:

Dayle A. Dermatis with “Pepper Pretorious Saves the Day.”

David H. Hendrickson with “Two-Minute Drill.”

Annie Reed with “Blue-Eyed Bombshell.”

Publisher Synopsis:
When you ask a bunch of professional writers to send in stories to a Pulphouse Fiction Magazine anthology called Snot-Nosed Aliens, you get a bunch of really, really strange stories. Perfect.
Known for high-quality fiction and off-the-wall stories, Pulphouse Fiction Magazine’s first fully original anthology delivers both. Head-shaking laughter, biting themes, and more out-of-this-world aliens than should be allowed.
Thirteen professional writers. Thirteen wonderful stories. An original anthology impossible to put down.
“The Problematic Navigation of the Vessel Clayton Booker” by J. Steven York
“Blue-Eyed Bombshell “ by Annie Reed
“Pepper Pretorious Saves the Day” by Dayle A. Dermatis
“Hero of Fire Life” by Michael Warren Lucas
“Bushtits Gone Wild” by Stephanie Writt
“Dog People” by Robert J. McCarter
“Magnitude and Insignificance” by Rob Vagle
“Let the Families Be Joined” by Joe Cron
“Knock Knock Power” by Johanna Rothman
“Ilene’s Box” by Alexandra Brandt
“The Goddess Particle “ by Dæmon Crowe
“Two-Minute Drill” by David H. Hendrickson
“Power Chords” by Brigid Collins

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