As determined by volunteer judges from the SMFS membership.
Some titles are linked to stories available in online magazine archives. The SMFS encourages you to read or listen to these free stories.
BEST FLASH STORY (Up to 1,000 Words)
"And Here's To You, Mrs. Edwardson" by Hamilton Waymire
Published in the webzine Big Pulp, November 23, 2009
"Awake" by David Dean
Published in EQMM, July 2009
"Gutterball" by Stephen D. Rogers
Published in Woman's World Magazine, September 7, 2009
"The Right Track" by R.T. Lawton
Published in Woman's World Magazine, October 26, 2009
"Unplanned" by Libby Cudmore
Published in Thrillers, Killers 'n' Chillers, August 2009
BEST SHORT STORY (1,001 - 4,000 Words)
"Identity Theft" by Robert Weibezahl
Published in Beat to a Pulp, March 2009
"The Biography of Stoop the Thief" by Steven Torres
Published in Uncage Me!, July 2009
"The Hard Sell" by Jay Stringer
Published in Beat to a Pulp, May 3, 2009
"The Right to Remain Silent" by Debbi Mack
Published in The Back Alley, August 2009
(Debbi also read this story on Seth Harwood's CrimeWAV podcast. Download her episode here, or listen with the player below.)