Sunday, September 21, 2014

Members' Publication News

The following members sent in publication news this month:

To send news for next month's post, email Gerald So (G_SO at YAHOO dot COM).

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Derringer Presentation at Bouchercon 2014

Bouchercon 2014 (Long Beach, CA) Chair Ingrid Willis has approved a short Derringers presentation as part of the opening ceremonies Thursday, November 13.

On behalf of SMFS President Jan Christensen, VP John R. Lindermuth, Awards Coordinator Anthony Rudzki, and award plaque-maker Jim Doherty unable to attend, SMFS member and attendee Catherine Dilts will present the winners to the audience. Confirmed to be attending are winners Melodie Campbell, Ray Daniel, and Robert Lopresti.

Any video or photos of the presentation can be sent to G_SO at YAHOO dot COM for feature consideration here on the blog.