Thursday, July 11, 2024

SMFS Member Nominees for 2024 Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Award

The SMFS is proud to announce that again this year members of the SMFS have been nominated for the 2024 Silver Falchion Award. As stated on their homepage, winners will be announced in mid-August at the conference. The complete list of nominees is on the 2024 Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Finalists site. The nominated SMFS list members are: 


Best Cozy

Peggy Rothschild with Playing Dead: A Novel (Berkley).


Best Historical

Richard Helms for Vicar Brekonridge: A Vicar Brekonridge Novel (Level Best – Historia).

Jessica Sly for The Art of Misdirection: Isles of Illusion Book 2 (Mountain Brook Ink). 

Nina Wachsman for The Courtesan's Secret: A Venice Beauties Mystery (Level Best Books).

Best Investigator (Includes Procedural, Serious P. I., Detective, And Noir)

Mark Troy for Splintered Loyalty: An Ava Rome Mystery (Down & Out Books)

Best Nonfiction

Judy Penz Sheluk for Finding YOUR Path to Publication: A Step-by-Step Guide (Superior Shores Press).


Best Anthology (Awarded To Individual Author Or Collection Editor)

Richard Helms for Paper Walls / Glass Houses (Black Arch Books).

Art Taylor for The Adventure of the Castle Thief and Other Expeditions and Indiscretions  (Crippen & Landru Publishers).


Best Thriller

Cathi Stoler for With a Twist: A Murder on the Rocks Mystery (Level Best Books).

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