Saturday, June 1, 2024

SMFS Members Published in Pulphouse Fiction Magazine: Issue 29

SMFS members are published in the recently released, Pulphouse Fiction Magazine: Issue 29. Published by WMG Publishing, the read is available from the publisher, Amazon, and other vendors. The SMFS list members that reported being in the issue are:


David H. Hendrickson with “The Kids Keep Coming.”


Annie Reed with “After.”

Publisher Description:  


The Cutting Edge of Modern Short Fiction

A three-time Hugo Award nominated magazine, this issue of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine offers up ten fantastic stories by some of the best writers working in modern short fiction.

No genre limitations, no topic limitations, just great stories. Attitude, feel, and high-quality fiction equals Pulphouse.


“All Things Must End” by Scott Edelman

“My-O-My” by O’Neil De Noux

“After” by Annie Reed

“Trigger Bill Learns About the Letter E” by Brenda Carre

“Untrustworthy” by Robert Jeschonek

“Hell’s Belles” by Dayle A. Dermatis

“Nightmare Paint” by Mike Zimmerman

“Sharper Than a Serpent’s Tooth” by Christina F. York

“The Kids Keep Coming” by David H. Hendrickson

“Killer Advice” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

“Minions at Work: Fits Like A Glove” by J. Steven York

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