Saturday, May 11, 2024

2024 SMFS Member Anthony Award Nominees

Earlier this week, several SMFS list members were nominated for the 2024 Anthony Awards in various categories. The winners will be announced at Bouchercon: Nashville on Saturday evening, August 31, 2024. The full list of nominees and more information can be found on the Facebook announcement. The SMFS list members that reported on the SMFS list their nominated books and short stories are:


Best Anthology

Here in the Dark: Stories by Megan Lucas (Shotgun Honey Books, July 2023)


Happiness Is a Warm Gun: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Songs of The Beatles, Editor Josh Pachter (Down & Out Books, October 2023).


The Adventure of the Castle Thief and Other Expeditions and Indiscretions by Art Taylor (Crippen and Landru, February 2023).


School of Hard Knox: Stories That Break Father Ronald Knox's Commandments for Crime Fiction. Edited by SMFS list members Donna Andrews, Greg Herren, and Art Taylor (Crippen and Landru, August 2023).


Best Short Story

Barb Goffman for “Real Courage” (Black Cat Mystery Magazine #14, Wildside Press, October 2023).


James D.F. Hannah for “Knock” (Playing Games, Editor Lawrence Block, Subterranean Press, July 2023)


Dru Ann Love and Kristopher Zgorski for “Ticket To Ride.” (Happiness Is a Warm Gun: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Songs of The Beatles, Editor Josh Pachter, Down & Out Books,  October 2023).  


Best Hardcover Novel

James L'Etoile for Face of Greed: A Novel (Oceanview Publishing, November 2023)


Best Paperback Original

James D.F. Hannah for Because the Night: A Henry Malone Novel (Down & Out Books, June 2023)


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