Wednesday, November 20, 2019

SMFS Members Published in the BOULD* Awards 2019 Short Story Anthology (*Bizarre, Outrageous, Unfettered, Limitless, Daring)

Numerous SMFS list members are published in the Bould* Awards 2019 Short Story Anthology: (*Bizarre, Outrageous, Unfettered, Limitless, Daring). Edited and published by SMFS list member Jake Devlin, the book is available in print and digital formats at Amazon and other vendors. The SMFS list members in the book are:

Tom Barlow with “Chemo Queen” and, writing as Jimmy Summers, “The Sadist.”

John  Clark with “In A Town Mostly Forgotten” and “Pinning Ceremony” and “Take Nothing For Granite.”

Herschel Cozine with “The Purloined Pickled Peppers.”

Maddi Davidson with “Cold Snap” and “Bitch and Chips.”

Lesley A. Diehl with “Drip-Dry and Wrinkle-Free.”

Jake Devlin with “An Apocalyptic Micro Short Story” and “Confession of a Serial Killer” as well as “Teagan’s Special Sand Castle.”

James Dorr with “In The Octopus’s Garden” and “Mr. Happy Head.”

Karen Duxbury with “Euthanasia.”

Will A. Emerson with “Oh, Henry” and “Honor Amongst The Rigid.”

Eve Fisher with “Preincarnation” and “Bait.”

Kaye George with “Meeting on the Funicular.”

Robert Petyo with “The Cat” and “The Suicide Bureau.”

KM Rockwood with “The Society” and “To Die a Free Man: The Story of Joseph Bowers.”

Cheri Vause with “Zero-Sum.”

Elizabeth Zelvin with “A Shifting Plan” and “The Silkie.”

Additionally, three of the top four prize winners are SMFS list members. The full list of prize winners as posted by Jake Devlin to our SMFS list are:

1st Place ($50):   The Mystery of the Missing Albino - Steve Shrott

2nd Place ($30):  The Society—KM Rockwood

3rd Place ($20):   Bitch and Chips - Maddi Davidson

4th Place ($10):   Euthanasia – Karen Duxbury

Synopsis With TOC To Follow:

Are you an adventurous, daring reader? Like to explore new frontiers? If so, this one's for you.

In this second annual edition, you'll find nearly 40 of the weirdest, most outrageous, wackiest, scariest, puzzlingest (is that really a word?) short stories submitted for this anthology in 2019. That's nearly twice the number of stories in the 2018 edition, our first.

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll be shocked, scared, and maybe even perflutzed by some of the stories you'll find inside, in many different genres and styles. But with nearly every story, we know you'll be surprised.

These stories have all been anonymously selected by a panel of independent judges.

We expect the 2020 edition to be BOULDer (no relation to the city in Colorado), and that'll raise the bar even higher for the 2021 edition. We might wind up changing “Limitless” to “Loopy” if writers can really let their inhibitions go and let their haywire creativity loose.

But now it's time for you to quit reading these promo bits, brace yourself and dig in. Have fun!


Bitch and Chips - Maddi Davidson – 1060 words
A Walk In The Park - Francis Hicks - 490
Honor Amongst the Rigid – Wil A. Emerson - 2980
Clarity - Francis Hicks - 720
In the Octopus's Garden – James Dorr - 2400
Take Nothing For Granite - John Clark - 1170
When I Think About - Gary R. Hoffman - 450
Teacher’s Pets - Kat Fast - 1990
Teagan's Special Sand Castle - Jake Devlin – 1300
Note Found Near Scattered Human Skeletal Remains - Jack Ewing - 1840
Oh Henry – Wil A. Emerson – 2990
Bait – Eve Fisher – 2700
Zero-Sum - Cheri Vause - 1500
Chemo Queen – Tom Barlow - 2970
The Sadist - Jimmy Summers – 750
In A Town Mostly Forgotten – John Clark – 2060
The Purloined Pickled Peppers - Herschel Cozine - 2400
The Price You Pay - William A. Rush IV – 1850
Henry The Butler - Francis Hicks - 500
The Mystery of the Missing Albino - Steve Shrott - 2800
A Shifting Plan - Elizabeth Zelvin – 2500
Input From A Serial Killer - John Furutani – 2570
Confession of a Serial Killer – Jake Devlin - 500
The Cat - Robert Petyo – 2100
Deer Juj - David Hagerty – 850
The Society - KM Rockwood – 2200
Something Wacky This Way Comes - Karen Phillips – 2000
Pinning Ceremony – John Clark – 2670
Drip-Dry and Wrinkle-Free – Lesley A. Diehl – 2440
Mr. Happy Head – James Dorr – 2700
Preincarnation – Eve Fisher – 1000
To Die a Free Man: The Story of Joseph Bowers – KM Rockwood – 2790
The Suicide Bureau – Robert Petyo – 1700
The Silkie – Elizabeth Zelvin – 2900
Meeting on the Funicular – Kaye George – 735
Cold Snap – Maddi Davidson – 640
Euthanasia – Karen Duxbury – 260
An Apocalyptic Micro Short Story – Jake Devlin – 20


  1. Outrageous collection, yes. Accepted and loving it.
    Hope we have thousands of readers. Looking forward to the next edition!
    Cheers, Wil
    Yes, I know Henry well. Sweet Boy......

  2. How wonderful to be part of a group of writers who are as zany as I am. Good company and I hope we have more next year.


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