Tuesday, April 23, 2019

SMFS Member Publication News: Jim Doherty

As posted by Jim Doherty to our list…

I'm doing what might be described as a "Flash Story," or at least a "short-short," in an altogether different medium than prose fiction.

This Sunday, 28 April, a new storyline starts in the Dick Tracy comic strip called "The Occam's Razor Case."  It'll run through Sunday, 5 May.

And I'm the author!

Last year I placed a Sherlock Holmes story in an anthology of new Holmes stories, and now I'm taking the reins of the Dick Tracy comic strip which, potentially, may give me the biggest audience I've ever had.

I'm one of the few (except for Edward D. Hoch, I think I'm the only) writer who's actually gotten paid to write stories about the two most famous detective-heroes in fiction!

You can read more about it at Janet Rudolph's Mystery Fanfare 'blog here:

And, if your paper doesn't carry Tracy, you can follow the story here:

I'll be looking forward to getting your reactions.

BTW, are comics stories eligible for Derringers?



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