Saturday, December 1, 2018

SMFS Short Story Saturdays: Peter DiChellis

Back in May SMFS celebrated, as we do each year, International Short Story Month. The celebration led to the creation of the weekly short story segment SMFS Short Story Saturdays. Each Saturday we feature a SMFS list member whose work can be read online for free. These short stories are at least a year old and were not previously linked to during the May 2018 Short Story Month event.

Today for SMFS Short Story Saturdays, Peter DiChellis shares his story from March 2017, “With Cunning Wickedness” archived at Trigger Warning. After you read that one, make sure you check out the short story, “Please Remain Calm” that he shared last May as part of International Short Story Month. You can find it here.

If you would like to be included and are a member of the SMFS list at yahoo groups, email the link to your story to KevinRTipple at Verizon dot net. If you are not a member, this would be a good time to check us out at Yahoo Groups.

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