Monday, September 3, 2018

SMFS Member Jim Doherty—Bouchercon Panelist

As posted by Jim Doherty to our SMFS list...

Starting my trip from Chicago to Florida tomorrow.

I'm on two panels, "Yin/Yang," about the difference between traditional/"cozy" and hard-boiled/noir. on Saturday at 1pm; and "Agents in Charge,":about police procedurals featuring federal cops, on Sunday at  9am.

I'm also one of the New Authors speaking at the " New Authors' Breakfast" on Friday at 8am.  Strictly speaking, I'm not a new author, but I am a first novelist.

Finally, I'm one of the authors doing the "Authors Speed Dating" on Saturday, at 8 am.

I'll be flogging An Obscure Grave (nothing but five star reviews on Amazon so far) at both the New Author's Breakfast and the Speed Dating event.

Bouchercon's gotten so big, it's possible for people to go and never cross paths, but I hope to see a lot of you there.  


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