SMFS Member Kaye George won a 2016 Killer Nashville Silver
Falchion Award for MURDER ON WHEELS. Nominated in the Best
Fiction Short Story Anthology category and edited by Ramona
DeFelice Long, Murder On Wheels contains
eleven mystery short stories where modes of transportation
past and present serve as a key part of the tale. Kaye George wrote the introduction to the anthology as well as two short stories, “The Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round” and “Have A Nice Trip.”
past and present serve as a key part of the tale. Kaye George wrote the introduction to the anthology as well as two short stories, “The Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round” and “Have A Nice Trip.”
The other authors included in the anthology are: Gale
Albright, V. P. Chandler, Scott Montgomery, Laura Oles, SMFS member Earl Staggs,
Kathy Walker, Kathy Waller, and Reavis Z. Wortham.
Congratulations again, Kaye--and everyone in the anthology!