Thursday, November 27, 2014

Ed Gorman accepts the Edward D. Hoch Memorial Golden Derringer for Lifetime Achievement

By Gerald So

Yesterday, this year's Golden Derringer recipient, Ed Gorman, blogged that he'd heard about the award from SMFS member Terrie Farley Moran.

I got in touch with Ed through his blog post, sent him his Golden Derringer certificate, and put him in touch with plaque-maker Jim Doherty.

Here are Ed's words of thanks from his email to me:

Thanks so much, Gerald. This really means a lot to me. As I mentioned Ed was always so damned nice and helpful. And his talent was so varied and masterful. Thanks very much for writing and please thank the Committee for me.

Best, Ed

I also mentioned if he'd like to blog or send in a further message of thanks, I would post or link to it here.

1 comment:

  1. My thanks again everybody. Ed was one of my heroes.
    He was unequaled as both a writer and a sheer idea man. I once wrote him that he had more good story ideas in a day than I had in six months and I meant that. He also had the ability to create characters who were as fascinating at the storylines. This honor means a great deal to me. I truly appreciate it.


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