Best Flash (Up to 1,000 words) (Tie)
- "The Book Signing" by Kathy Chencharik (Thin Ice: Crime Stories By New England Writers, November 2010)
- "The Unknown Substance" by Jane Hammons (A Twist of Noir, December 27, 2010)
- "Blues in the Night" by Carol Kilgore (Dark Valentine Vol. 1, No. 1, June 2010)
- "Stick a Needle in My Eye" by Julia Madeleine (Powder Burn Flash, 2010)
- "Homeless" by Patricia Morin (Mystery Montage, October 2010)
Best Short Story (1,001–4,000 words)
- "Pewter Badge" by Michael J. Solender (Yellow Mama)
- "Broken Down on the Bonneville Flats" by Jack Bates (Beat to a Pulp)
- "My Asshole Brother" by Eric Beetner (A Twist of Noir)
- "Angel of Mercy" by David Price (Beat to a Pulp)
- "Seventy-two Hours or Less" by Michael J. Solender (A Twist of Noir)
Best Long Story (4,001–8,000 words) (Tie)
- "Care of the Circumcised Penis" by Sean Doolittle (Thuglit Presents: Blood, Guts, and Whiskey)
- "Interpretation of Murder" by B.K. Stevens (Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
- "Silicon Kings" by Richard Helms (The Back Alley Webzine)
- "The Little Nogai Boy" by R.T. Lawton (Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)
- "A Tour of the Tower" by Christine Poulson (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine)
Best Novelette (8,001–17,500 words)
- "Rearview Mirror" by Art Taylor (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine)
- "The Scent of Lilacs" by Doug Allyn (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine)
- "The Gods for Vengeance Cry" by Richard Helms (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine)
- "Deserters" by Chris Muessig (Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine)
- "The Man With One Eye" by Stephen Ross (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine)
And determined by a committee of the SMFS Officers, Awards Coordinator, and two members-at-large, the 2011 recipient of the Edward D. Hoch Memorial Golden Derringer for Lifetime Achievement:
- Ruth Rendell
Recipients may obtain award certificates by emailing SMFS Vice President Gerald So (G_SO at YAHOO dot COM).